Twinkle, Twinkle, Daytime Star / Brilla, brilla, estrellita del día (Bilingual Board Book)

A science lesson wrapped in a familiar rhyme, Twinkle, Twinkle Daytime Star introduces children to the many ways the Sun affects our world.

Readers discover how this one special star affects Earth’s orbit and rotation, day and night, the changing seasons, the length of a year, the lives of plants and animals, as well as the production of energy and radiation, light and shadows, and even vitamins.

Hay billones de estrellas, pero solo una hace que la vida en la Tierra sea posible. Una lección de ciencia que sigue la clásica rima infantil, Twinkle, Twinkle, Daytime Star / Brilla, brilla, estrellita del día les enseña a los niños las muchas formas en las que el Sol afecta a nuestro mundo.


By Elizabeth Everett, Illustrations by Beatriz Castro. 2023. English/Spanish, 7” x 7” Board Book, 24pgs, Pre-K-2nd Grade